Past exhibition

Annette Kelm
Home Home Home
Haus Lange

Friday, 16 October 2015, 7 p.m.
Presentation of the Photographic Series Home Home Home by Annette Kelm

As part of its wide-ranging initiative “25/25/25”, the Kunststiftung NRW was celebrating its 25th anniversary by bringing 25 international artists together with 25 municipal museums in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia so as to raise the public’s awareness once again for the unique cultural importance of the museums in this state. The project began in its jubilee year, 2014, and will be brought to an end when artist Annette Kelm hands over her gift to the Kunstmuseen Krefeld.

Annette Kelm (*1975 Stuttgart) has developed a unique visual syntax in her photographs: she stages still lifes as well as portraits and landscapes in such a way as to that create a cool, distanced atmosphere. Yet however neat and organised the scenes objects and seem in her works, the abundance of conflicting meanings and interpretations that grow up around them is just as great. The manifest determines what is hidden. With Home Home Home, Annette Kelm has come up with a three-part series that ideally augments the photographic holdings at the Kunstmuseen Krefeld.

The presentation at Museum Haus Lange will be open to the public until 3 January 2016.

Exhibitions currently on view